Walk Features: This walk takes you away from the Cooleman Court Shopping Centre and then gradually uphill through the suburb. At its top you will visit Fetherston Gardens which includes the Gallipoli Garden. At some points the route proceeds on dirt tracks and there are also some steps in places.
Duration of the walk: About 1 hour and 40 minutes.
Region: Weston Creek.
Information about the Suburb: Weston was established in 1970. It was named after a former homestead built in the area sometime around 1835. Its streets are named after artists.
Walk Directions
Click here for a pdf version of the walk directions.
To get to the start of the walk proceed west along the Cotter Road, turn L into Streeton Drive, then L into Namatjira Dr, R into MacNally St to park in the Cooleman Court car park ahead.
Note that streets in brackets means there is no street sign at this point of the walk.
- Facing Cooleman Court go L out to a bitumen path.
- Go R on the bitumen path alongside a water course on your L.
- Pass a seat.
- Proceed through the Namatjira Dr underpass.
- Of the five possible concrete paths take the third one to continue straight ahead uphill with houses on your R.
- Go R onto (McInnes St) at a bus stop.
- Go R onto (Chevalier St).
- Go L Into Bryant Pl.
- Proceed out from its end across the reserve.
- Go L on a concrete path.
- Cross over (McInnes St) at a bus stop.
- Continue straight ahead uphill on a concrete path passing a playground and the Fowles Street Park Woodland Restoration Project on your R.
- Cross over Buvelot St and continue straight ahead up two sets of steps.
- Go L onto (Rubbo Cr).
- Go R onto Daplyn Cl.
- Proceed out on a concrete path and then veer R uphill on a dirt track.
- Proceed over the hill and continue straight ahead downhill on a dirt track.
- Go R onto (Hilder St).
- Go L onto Heysen St and pass Bunny St on your L and a bus stop.
- At number 46 cross the street and proceed up steps onto a concrete path.
- Proceed up the path and up another set of steps to (Sellabach St).
- Go L on the bitumen path and then almost immediately down the grassy slope through a gap in the fence and into Fetherston Gardens.
- Proceed down the path through trees, then across an open area passing a picnic table on your R.
- Proceed through a brick paved garden.
- Go R through trees to a low, curved stone wall and the Gallipoli Garden.
- Proceed down to a metal fence and go L on a gravel path.
- Proceed through a pergola, passing a pool on your R.
- Pass a seat on your L and a Fetherston Gardens sign on your R and continue straight ahead on the gravel path.
- Pass a seat on your R.
- Near the end of the main path go L down steps out of the gardens.
- Go L onto (Fetherston Pl).
- Go L onto Heysen St.
- Go R onto Gruner St and pass Preston St on your R.
- Go L onto Bunny St, passing Prout Pl and Bock Pl on your R.
- At the end of the houses on your R, go R across the reserve.
- Go R on a concrete path all the way downhill.
- When (Gruner St) comes into view, veer L and L again on a concrete path to pass a playground over to your R.
- Go L onto (Meldrum St).
- Go L into Lycett St and pass Souter Pl and Rowell Pl on your L, then Fullwood St twice on your L.
- Go R at Hilder St.
- Go L at Martens Cr and pass Collingridge St on your R twice.
- Go R onto Leist St.
- Past number 37 and an iron railing go sharp R down steps on a concrete path.
- Go R on a concrete path downhill.
- Proceed through the (McInnes St) underpass and pass a playground and then Weston Pre-School on your R.
- Go L on a bitumen path.
- Proceed through the Namatjira Dr underpass.
- Proceed on a concrete path back to the car park and Shops.