
Walk Features: This loop walk takes you from the Shops through the streets, playgrounds and reserves.

Duration of the walk: About 1 hour and 45 minutes.

Region: Tuggeranong.

Information about the Suburb: Wanniassa was established in 1975 and named after a pastoral property granted to Thomas McQuoid in 1835, which he named after Wanayasa in West Java, Indonesia, where McQuoid had previously owned property. Its streets are named after Victorian state politicians.

Walk Directions

Click here for a pdf version of the walk directions.

To get to the start of the walk proceed south down the Tuggeranong Parkway and Drakeford Dr. Go L into Sulwood Dr then R into Athlon Dr, L into Atkins St, R into Rylah Cr, then L into the first car park at the Shops.

Note that streets in brackets means there is no street sign at this point of the walk.

  1. Proceed out to Rylah Cr and go R to cross over Langdon Av.
  2. Proceed all the way down Longmore Cr and pass Carr Cr, a bus stop, Lobb Pl, Phelan Pl, Butterley Pl and a bus stop on your R, Wilkie Pl on your L, Strachan Pl, Michie St on your R, Methven Pl on your L, Hoddinott St and Michie St on your R.
  3. Proceed R down a concrete path at the Longmore Cr underpass.
  4. Go R at a white/blue sign and follow the concrete path through the reserve.
  5. Pass a playground on your R.
  6. Proceed through the Sainsbury St underpass.
  7. Proceed through the Gaunson Cr underpass.
  8. Cross over (Longmore Cr) and proceed around to the R.
  9. At a white/blue sign go R towards the Erindale Centre on the concrete path.
  10. Continue onto the bitumen path as it runs beside Longmore Cr) on your R.
  11. Veer L as the path runs between houses, then alongside (McWhae Cr) on your L and then a playground over to your R.
  12. Proceed through the Sternberg Cr underpass.
  13. Follow the concrete path around to the R and alongside (Cremean Cl).
  14. Cross over (Wynne St).
  15. Go L at the end of the car park before the basketball courts.
  16. Proceed down (Wynne St).
  17. Go R on a bitumen path with playing fields then tennis courts on your R.
  18. Pass Amsinck St on your L, then a bus stop as the path runs alongside McBryde Cr on your L.
  19. Pass Mackinnon St and Bromley St twice all on your R.
  20. Just past number 25 follow the path around to the R.
  21. Proceed alongside and then away from (Bromley St) on your R.
  22. Just past number 19 go L on concrete path.
  23. Cross over (Wheeler Cr) at a bus stop.
  24. Pass a playground on your L.
  25. Proceed through the (Fincham Cr) underpass.
  26. Cross over (Cuthbert Cct) and proceed alongside (McCombie St) on your R.
  27. Cross over Cuthbert Cct again and continue straight ahead on the path.
  28. Proceed past (Sumner Pl), (Rutledge Pl), (Ireland Pl), (Crews Pl) and (Nimmo Pl) all on your R.
  29. Cross over Wheeler Cr and go R.
  30. Pass Sternberg Cr on your R.
  31. Pass Hyland Pl on your L.
  32. Cross an iron railing bridge.
  33. Go L on a concrete path at a bus stop and proceed up through the reserve.
  34. Follow the path along and then out between houses.
  35. Go L onto (Rylah Cr).
  36. Turn R on a concrete path and follow it through the reserve.
  37. Proceed back to the car park and Shops on your L.