Walk Features: This figure eight loop walk takes you from the Wild Bark café at Mulligans Flat along streets, through grasslands, around wetlands and alongside Mulligans Flat.
Duration of the walk: About 1 hour and 35 minutes.
Region: Gungahlin.
Information about the Suburb: Throsby is named after the explorer Charles Throsby who was one of the first Europeans to open up the lands west of the Blue Mountains to grazing and agriculture. Its streets are named after Australian wildlife and fish.
Walk Directions
Click here for a pdf version of the walk directions.
To get to the start of the walk proceed north along Gungahlin Dr. Turn R into Well Station Dr, L at Flemington Rd, R Mapleton Av, cross over Horse Park Dr onto Dugong Way, L Bettong Av, R Rosenberg St and park in the car park at the Wildbark Centre on your L.
Note that streets in brackets means there is no street sign at this point of the walk.
- Proceed out to (Rosenberg St) and go R on a bitumen path.
- Cross a low bridge and go L on a bitumen path with grasslands on your L.
- Cross over Bettong Av and go R on a concrete path to pass a playground on your L.
- Go L then R on a concrete path.
- Pass a large sculpture (‘Stopping to Smell the Flowers’) on your L.
- Go R on a concrete path.
- Go L on a concrete path and pass a seat on your R.
- Continue on the divided line concrete path for quite some way.
- Pass Pademelon St on your R.
- Pass a seat on your R.
- Go R on (Gecko Way).
- Cross over Bettong Av and continue straight ahead on a bitumen path alongside Pipistrelle St on your R.
- Pass Monitor Lane on your R.
- Go R on a concrete path to cross over (Pipistrelle St).
- Then go L and immediately R down Brushtail St with houses on your R. Ignore the stretch of Brushtail St on your L.
- At the end of (Brushtail St) go L to cross it and then R to cross over Shingleback St.
- Continue straight ahead on a concrete path alongside (Bettong Av) on your R.
- Pass Yabby Way on your R.
- Pass Potoroo St on your L.
- Pass Echidna St on your L.
- Opposite number 210, go R on Pilliga St then immediately L on a concrete path.
- Go R on a concrete path then immediately L on a concrete path.
- Go R on a concrete path with wetlands on your R.
- Continue on the concrete path around to your R leaving the playground over to your L.
- Just before a seat, go L on a concrete path.
- Pass a seat on your R.
- Go L on a concrete path with wetlands on your R.
- Go R on a concrete path over a bridge.
- Go R on a bitumen path with wetlands on your R.
- Pass Galaxias St on your L.
- Go L on a concrete path.
- At Perch St go R on Mulgara Loop.
- Pass Quokka St on your L.
- Pass Dragon St on your L.
- As the road goes around to the L and opposite number 20B, go R on a concrete path.
- Go L on a concrete path.
- Pass tall blue sculptures on your R.
- Cross over (Dugong Way) and continue straight ahead on a concrete path with a large Throsby sign over to your R.
- Go L on a concrete path then R on (Kunapalari St).
- Pass Nabarlex St on your L.
- Pass Snapper Cr twice on your L.
- Pass Verreaux Cr on your L.
- As the street goes around to the L, go R on a concrete path.
- Go L on a concrete path.
- Pass a seat on your L.
- Pass wetlands on your R.
- Cross over Bettong Av and continue straight ahead on a concrete path.
- Go R on (Melomys Cct).
- Pass wetlands on your R.
- Cross Melomys Cct and go R.
- Go R on Bettong Av and follow a bitumen path uphill.
- Near the top of the hill go L on a concrete path to cross (Bettong Av).
- Take the R fork on a concrete path and proceed uphill to pass a playground on your L and a seat on your R.
- Cross over (Bettong Av) and continue straight ahead on a concrete path.
- Go L on a bitumen path alongside (Quenda Cl) on your L.
- Pass Quenda Cl on your L.
- At the end of (Quenda Cl) and just past number 11, go L on a concrete path.
- Pass a seat on your R.
- Go L on a concrete path.
- Go R on (Barramundi St).
- Pass Mirri Cl on your R.
- Pass Cricket St on your L.
- Pass Yellowfin St on your L.
- Pass Kowari Cl on your R.
- Go R on Marron Way.
- Go R on Dunnart Cct and follow it around to your L.
- Go R on a short gravel road.
- Go L on a bitumen path.
- Pass a seat on your L.
- Proceed back to the Wildbark Centre.