Walk Features: This loop walk takes you from the Shops through the streets, reserves and playgrounds. The walk also runs along a fire trail and visits the Theodore Grinding Grooves.
Duration of the walk: About 1 hour and 40 minutes.
Region: Tuggeranong.
Information about the Suburb: Theodore was established in 1986 and named after Edward Granville Theodore (1884–1950), a Queensland premier and deputy Prime Minister. Its streets are named after people involved with the civilian war effort during the world wars.
Walk Directions
Click here for a pdf version of the walk directions.
To get to the start of the walk proceed south down the Monaro Highway, go R into Johnson Dr, L into the second entrance to Lawrence Wackett Cr, L into Burdett Cr, then L into the Shops.
Note that streets in brackets means there is no street sign at this point of the walk.
- From the Shops cross over (Lawrence Wackett Cr) and go R. CHECK
- Go L down a concrete path.
- Go L on a concrete path away from the (Lawrence Wackett Cr) underpass.
- Proceed all the way up through the reserve passing a playground over to your L.
- Veer R to cross over (Louis Loder St) and pick up the concrete path that runs behind houses on your R.
- Pass a bus shelter on your L.
- Go R onto Chippindall Cct then L onto Dysett Cct.
- Go L on a concrete path and follow it through the playground.
- Go L at Dyett Cct.
- After number 19 go L on a concrete path through a low wooden fence.
- Cross over (Chippindall Cct) and (Callister Cr).
- Proceed up a short road and through a gate.
- At the Park Care notice board and Canberra Nature Park Tuggeranong Hill sign, go R on a fire trail.
- Pass a wide concrete path to your R.
- Pass two wide dirt tracks on your R.
- Pass long steps down to your R.
- Take the R fork of the trail.
- Go R down a long series of steps.
- Go L at (Louis Loder St) and follow it around passing Cochrane Cr and a playground on your R and Mehaffey Cr twice on your L, Hartung Cr on your L, Vonwiller Cr on your R and Hartung Cr on your L.
- Go R onto (Lawrence Wackett Cr) and pass Ern Florence Cr on your L and a bus shelter and bus stop.
- Just after number 163 go L on a concrete path through a reserve.
- Go R on a concrete path.
- Go L onto (Burhop Cl).
- Proceed out from its end on a concrete path.
- Cross over (Ern Florence Cr).
- Go L on a concrete path behind houses on your L.
- Pass the concrete path on your R.
- Go R on the next concrete path across the reserve.
- Go L onto (Lawrence Wackett Cr) at a bus stop.
- Go R onto Scantlebury Cr).
- Follow it along passing a playground over to your R, Porteous Cr on your L and Tewksbury Cct on your R.
- Go L onto Porteous Cr.
- Just past number 31, go R onto a reserve and follow a dirt track around behind houses on your R and Tuggeranong Creek over to your L.
- At a gate go R onto (Lienhop St).
- Go L at (Christmas St).
- Opposite number 27, go L on a concrete path at the Canberra Nature Park sign.
- Follow the fire trail around to the R with houses on your R.
- Almost immediately, go L through a narrow opening in the fence and follow a dirt track around to the Theodore Grinding Grooves just past an information board.
- Retrace your steps to the fire trail and proceed L uphill with houses on your R and bushland on your L.
- When you come to a large area of bushland with no houses on your R, continue on to a gate on your L.
- Opposite the gate go R down a dirt track with houses on your L and bush on your R.
- Pick up a concrete path and continue downhill.
- Go L through a gate and continue all the way downhill through the reserve.
- Just before the (Lawrence Wackett Cr) underpass, veer L on a concrete path.
- Go L on (Lawrence Wackett Cr) passing the Theodore Primary School on your R.
- Go R onto (Burdett Cr).
- Before number 12, go R on a concrete path to follow it through a reserve with Theodore Primary School over to your R.
- Go L on a concrete path.
- Just before the (Lawrence Wackett Cr) underpass go L on a concrete path and back up to the Shops.