
Walk Features: This loop walk takes you from the Shops through the streets, reserves and playgrounds. The walk also runs along a fire trail and visits the Theodore Grinding Grooves.

Duration of the walk: About 1 hour and 40 minutes.

Region: Tuggeranong.

Information about the Suburb: Theodore was established in 1986 and named after Edward Granville Theodore (1884–1950), a Queensland premier and deputy Prime Minister. Its streets are named after people involved with the civilian war effort during the world wars.

Walk Directions

Click here for a pdf version of the walk directions.

To get to the start of the walk proceed south down the Monaro Highway, go R into Johnson Dr, L into the second entrance to Lawrence Wackett Cr, L into Burdett Cr, then L into the Shops.

Note that streets in brackets means there is no street sign at this point of the walk.

  1. From the Shops cross over (Lawrence Wackett Cr) and go R. CHECK
  2. Go L down a concrete path.
  3. Go L on a concrete path away from the (Lawrence Wackett Cr) underpass.
  4. Proceed all the way up through the reserve passing a playground over to your L.
  5. Veer R to cross over (Louis Loder St) and pick up the concrete path that runs behind houses on your R.
  6. Pass a bus shelter on your L.
  7. Go R onto Chippindall Cct then L onto Dysett Cct.
  8. Go L on a concrete path and follow it through the playground.
  9. Go L at Dyett Cct.
  10. After number 19 go L on a concrete path through a low wooden fence.
  11. Cross over (Chippindall Cct) and (Callister Cr).
  12. Proceed up a short road and through a gate.
  13. At the Park Care notice board and Canberra Nature Park Tuggeranong Hill sign, go R on a fire trail.
  14. Pass a wide concrete path to your R.
  15. Pass two wide dirt tracks on your R.
  16. Pass long steps down to your R.
  17. Take the R fork of the trail.
  18. Go R down a long series of steps.
  19. Go L at (Louis Loder St) and follow it around passing Cochrane Cr and a playground on your R and Mehaffey Cr twice on your L, Hartung Cr on your L, Vonwiller Cr on your R and Hartung Cr on your L.
  20. Go R onto (Lawrence Wackett Cr) and pass Ern Florence Cr on your L and a bus shelter and bus stop.
  21. Just after number 163 go L on a concrete path through a reserve.
  22. Go R on a concrete path.
  23. Go L onto (Burhop Cl).
  24. Proceed out from its end on a concrete path.
  25. Cross over (Ern Florence Cr).
  26. Go L on a concrete path behind houses on your L.
  27. Pass the concrete path on your R.
  28. Go R on the next concrete path across the reserve.
  29. Go L onto (Lawrence Wackett Cr) at a bus stop.
  30. Go R onto Scantlebury Cr).
  31. Follow it along passing a playground over to your R, Porteous Cr on your L and Tewksbury Cct on your R.
  32. Go L onto Porteous Cr.
  33. Just past number 31, go R onto a reserve and follow a dirt track around behind houses on your R and Tuggeranong Creek over to your L.
  34. At a gate go R onto (Lienhop St).
  35. Go L at (Christmas St).
  36. Opposite number 27, go L on a concrete path at the Canberra Nature Park sign.
  37. Follow the fire trail around to the R with houses on your R.
  38. Almost immediately, go L through a narrow opening in the fence and follow a dirt track around to the Theodore Grinding Grooves just past an information board.
  39. Retrace your steps to the fire trail and proceed L uphill with houses on your R and bushland on your L.
  40. When you come to a large area of bushland with no houses on your R, continue on to a gate on your L.
  41. Opposite the gate go R down a dirt track with houses on your L and bush on your R.
  42. Pick up a concrete path and continue downhill.
  43. Go L through a gate and continue all the way downhill through the reserve.
  44. Just before the (Lawrence Wackett Cr) underpass, veer L on a concrete path.
  45. Go L on (Lawrence Wackett Cr) passing the Theodore Primary School on your R.
  46. Go R onto (Burdett Cr).
  47. Before number 12, go R on a concrete path to follow it through a reserve with Theodore Primary School over to your R.
  48. Go L on a concrete path.
  49. Just before the (Lawrence Wackett Cr) underpass go L on a concrete path and back up to the Shops.