Walk Features: This loop walk through both suburbs takes you from the Swinger Hill Shops through the streets, playgrounds and reserves and past the Woden Cemetery. It also visits Eddison Park and Woden Town Park. Some of the walk goes down steps and on dirt tracks.
Duration of the walk: About 1 hour and 35 minutes.
Region: Woden Valley.
Information about the Suburb: Swinger Hill was established in the 1970s and follows the pattern of calling local trigonometrical points after the surveyor who surveyed them, in this case Louis Walter Henry Swinger (1901–1943) who surveyed this area. Its streets are named after architects.
Phillip was established in 1966 and was named after Arthur Phillip, the first Governor of New South Wales. Streets use names associated with the First, Second and Third Fleets.
Walk Directions
Click here for a pdf version of the walk directions.
To get to the start of the walk, coming from Civic proceed south down Yamba Dr, R into Hindmarsh Dr, L into Ainsworth St and just past Enderby St on your R, park at the Shops on your L.
Note that streets in brackets means there is no street sign at this point of the walk.
- Proceed out to Ainsworth St and go R.
- Go R onto Butters Dr.
- Pass (Butters Dr) on your R.
- Go R onto Sulman Pl.
- At its end go R up steps on a dirt track.
- Cross over the top of (Hallen Cl).
- Go R up steps onto a concrete path into a park.
- Pass seats on your R.
- Follow the path all the way along between houses.
- When (Butters Dr) comes into view below, go L downhill a concrete path.
- Pass a concrete path to your L then go L on the next concrete path.
- Go L into (Barnet Cl).
- Cross over Barnet Cl to proceed on a concrete path past a playground on your L.
- Go R at a T-junction down a concrete path.
- Cross (Butters Dr) and go L on a concreter path.
- Pass Rowe Pl, Oldham Cct and (Terry Cl) on your L.
- Go R onto (Kemp Cl).
- Go L between numbers 3 and 5 down a concrete path and steps to (Ainsworth St).
- Cross over (Ainsworth St) and then Hindmarsh Dr.
- Proceed down Ainsworth St past a bus shelter.
- Pass Chaseling St on your L, Abermarle Pl and Kitchener St on your R.
- At a playing field fence go L on a concrete path.
- Go straight across the roundabout at the end of (Bootle Pl) and then continue L up this cul de sac through a line of trees.
- Cross over a concrete path leading into the cemetery on your R and continue straight ahead on a dirt track.
- At the corner of Cavanough St and Mower Pl, go L down Mower Pl.
- At the roundabout go L on Tank St.
- Cross Over Port Jackson Cct.
- Go L on (Tank St).
- Go R on a bricked path to pass picnic tables and a playground on your L.
- Cross over (Tank St) and continue straight ahead on a bricked path between houses.
- Go R on (Port Jackson Cct).
- Pass a grassy reserve on your R.
- Go L on Tank St.
- Proceed around the outside of the roundabout to pass Tank St on your L and continue up Mower Pl with houses on your L.
- At the corner of Mower Pl and Cavanough St go L on a concrete path beside houses on your L and trees and the cemetery on your R.
- Pass a small garden and seats on your L.
- Continue on the path as it swings around to your R.
- When the concrete path swings around to your L, continue straight ahead on a dirt track alongside trees on your R.
- Cross over a concrete path and pass the entrance to the cemetery on your R.
- Proceed through a low wooden fence and go R on a concrete path.
- Pass a grassy mound on your L.
- Go L on a concrete path.
- Go L on a concrete path at an exercise equipment area on your R. There are public toilets nearby.
- Go R through a gate onto a coloured concrete path and follow it around past playground equipment on your R and then back through a gate to the main concrete path.
- Go R on a concrete path leaving a barbecue back over to your L and passing a pond on your R.
- Pass a war memorial on your L and a pond on your R.
- At a playground go L on a bitumen path.
- Go R on a concrete path.
- Go L on a concrete path alongside (Easty St).
- At a concrete path that goes L up to the cemetery entrance, cross over (Easty St) and proceed into Arabanoo Park.
- Follow a bitumen path then cross over a bridge on your R.
- Circle (Woden Town Park) and return over the bridge.
- Go R down a bitumen path to a bitumen path running out from under the bridge.
- Go L on a bitumen path.
- Cross over (Wilson St) and continue straight ahead on a bitumen path.
- Pass a bridge on your R.
- Go through the Hindmarsh Dr underpass.
- After quite some distance go L up a concrete path.
- Pass a playground on your L and continue straight ahead uphill on a concrete path out of the park.
- Go L at a T-junction between houses.
- Go R onto (Ainsworth St).
- Pass Power St on your R, a bus stop, and Butters Dr on your L.
- Pass Enderby St on your R and back to the Shops on your L.