
Walk Features: This loop walk takes you from the Shops through the streets, playgrounds and parks.

Duration of the walk: About 1 hour and 40 minutes.

Region: Weston Creek.

Information about the Suburb: Rivett was established in 1970 and named after Sir David Rivett, the Professor of Chemistry at the University of Melbourne (1924–1927), Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR, 1927–1946), Chairman of the Council of CSIRO (1946–1949), and President of Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science (1937–1939). Its streets are named after Australian flora.

Walk Directions

Click here for a pdf version of the walk directions.

To get to the start of the walk proceed west out along Hindmarsh Dr. L into Bangalay C, L into Rivett Place. Park at the Shops.

Note that streets in brackets means there is no street sign at this point of the walk.

  1. From the supermarket end of the Shops cross (Rivett Pl) to a concrete path.
  2. Follow the path down towards a playing field.
  3. Take the R fork passing a playground on your L.
  4. Go R on a concrete path and follow it through the (Bangalay St) underpass and then all way uphill.
  5. Pass a playground on your L.
  6. At the (Darwinia Tce) underpass veer R up a concrete path.
  7. Follow a concrete path alongside (Darwinia Tce) on your L.
  8. Cross over Angophora St and continue straight ahead.
  9. Opposite Kathner St go R down a concrete path between houses.
  10. Go L onto (Woollum Cr).
  11. Go L onto Eugenia St
  12. Just after number 45 go L into a grassy reserve and along a concrete path with houses on your R.
  13. Go R on a concrete path between houses.
  14. Cross over (Croton St) and continue straight ahead on a concrete path.
  15. Go L onto (Croton St).
  16. Pass a playground on your R.
  17. Just before number 45 go R on a concrete path with a park on your R.
  18. Go R on a concrete path and continue straight ahead uphill passing (Epacris Pl) on your L.
  19. Go L on a concrete path and down (Cassia Pl).
  20. Go L onto Hibiscus Cr.
  21. Pass Epacris Pl on your L.
  22. Go L onto Bangalay Cr.
  23. Go R down an unnamed road that runs parallel with Hindmarsh Dr.
  24. Go R onto Carbeen St and past a bus shelter.
  25. Pass Tristania St on your L.
  26. Pass Santalum St on your R.
  27. Pass a playground on your R.
  28. Go L on Gungurra Cr.
  29. Go L on (Tristania St).
  30. Pass Marlock St on your R.
  31. Go R on the next Marlock St.
  32. Just past number 26 go L on a concrete path across a reserve.
  33. Go R on a concrete path with houses on your L.
  34. Just before (Wirilda St) goes around to your R, and at the end of the houses, go L on a concrete path beside houses on your L and a reserve on your R.
  35. Proceed up (Astelia Pl).
  36. Go L onto Mirbelia Cr.
  37. Pass Rapanea St on your L twice.
  38. Go R onto Bangalay Cr.
  39. Go L onto Nelumbo St.
  40. Go L onto Salsola St.
  41. Pass Cooba Pl on your L.
  42. Pass Yate Gdns on your R.
  43. Pass a playground on your R.
  44. Pass Yate Gdns on your R.
  45. Go L onto Nelumbo St.
  46. Go L onto Kanooka St.
  47. Go L onto Nelumbo St.
  48. Pass Diselma Pl on your L.
  49. Go L onto Casuarina St.
  50. Go R onto Goodenia St.
  51. Pass Burgan Pl on your L.
  52. Pass Sollya Pl on your L.
  53. Pass Geebung Pl on your L.
  54. Go L onto Blancoa Pl.
  55. Pass a playground on your L.
  56. Go R on a concrete path between houses.
  57. Cross over a concrete path leaving the (Bangalay St) underpass on your R.
  58. Go L onto (Bangalay Cr).
  59. Go R onto Rivett Pl and back to the Shops.

After the walk why not have coffee at Pitch Black?