
Walk Features: This loop walk takes you from the Shops through the streets, playgrounds and reserves. It also runs alongside Tuggeranong Creek. Some of the walk is on dirt tracks.

Duration of the walk: About 1 hour and 25 minutes.

Region: Tuggeranong.

Information about the Suburb: Richardson was established in 1981 and named after the author Henry Handel Richardson, nom de plume of Ethel Florence Lindesay Richardson (1870–1946). Its streets are named after writers, especially female writers.

Walk Directions

Click here for a pdf version of the walk directions.

To get to the start of the walk proceed south down Ashley Drive turn L into Clift Cr, R into May Gibbs Cl and park in front of the Shops.

Note that streets in brackets means there is no street sign at this point of the walk.

  1. Facing away from the Shops go R across (May Gibbs Cl) and onto a concrete path.
  2. Proceed across a playing field.
  3. Go L onto (Prichard Cct).
  4. Go L again onto (Prichard Cct).
  5. Cross over Clift Cr onto a concrete path.
  6. Proceed down (Franc Pl).
  7. Go L through a low wooden fence and diagonally across a playground passing it on your R.
  8. Go R onto (Fullerton Cr).
  9. At number 60 go L on a concrete path between houses.
  10. Go R onto Deamer Cr.
  11. Go R onto Mary Mackillop Pl.
  12. Proceed out from its end on a gravel track with houses on your R. Note Tuggeranong Hill ahead and to your R.
  13. Veer L on a dirt track keeping the houses on your R.
  14. Proceed through a red gate and follow the track around to your R.
  15. Proceed along a grassy area through trees alongside (Johnson Dr).on your L and houses on your R.
  16. Cross over (Clift Cr) and continue straight ahead on a concrete path with houses on your R.
  17. Pass a playground on your R and then go L over to a dirt track which then runs into a bitumen path as it runs alongside Tuggeranong Creek on your L.
  18. Pass a sign and a bitumen path going to the Shops on your R and continue straight ahead for quite a while.
  19. Before the (Ashley Dr) underpass go R on a bitumen path.
  20. Go R on a bitumen path with a pedestrian bridge on your L.
  21. Cross over Clift Cr and proceed down Hemmings Cr.
  22. Pass Grimshaw St on your R twice.
  23. Before a bridge veer L down a concrete path and continue straight ahead passing the (Hemmings St) underpass on your R.
  24. Follow alongside (Hemmings St) on your R.
  25. Veer L on a concrete path before Austral Pl.
  26. Veer L on a concrete path to proceed alongside (Laker Cr) on your R.
  27. Pass Danvers Pl and Jenyns Pl on your R.
  28. Go L on a concrete path.
  29. Go sharp R on a concrete path.
  30. Before the (Beattie Cr) underpass go R on a concrete path into (Ackland Pl).
  31. Go R onto Hemmings Cr.
  32. Pass Laker Cr twice on your R.
  33. Pass Dawbin Pl on your L.
  34. Go L onto Austral Pl.
  35. Proceed out from its end on a concrete path.
  36. Go L on a concrete path.
  37. Pass a playground on your R.
  38. Proceed through the (Clift Cr) underpass and continue straight ahead alongside a stone wall.
  39. When a playground comes into view, veer R on a concrete path.
  40. Pass the playground on your L and continue back to the Shops.