
Walk Features: This loop walk takes you from the Shops through the streets and reserves and along the fire trail at the top of the suburb.

Duration of the walk: About 1 hour and 20 minutes.

Region: Woden Valley.

Information about the Suburb: Pearce was established in 1967 and named after the longest-serving Senator for WA from 1901 to 1938 and longest-serving Minister in Australia’s federal history, Sir George Pearce, mainly as Minister for Defence.

Walk Directions

Click here for a pdf version of the walk directions.

To get to the start of the walk proceed south down Melrose Drive. Turn R into Hodgson Cr. Park in front of the Shops on your R. Or park behind the Shops by going R into Shepherd St. L into Symons St. Meet on the square in front of the Shops.

Note that streets in brackets means there is no street sign at this point of the walk.

  1. Go down the ramp on the R of the square to (Hodgson Cr).
  2. Pass MacFarland Cr on your R.
  3. Cross over (Hodgson Cr) onto a concrete path and across a reserve and then between houses.
  4. Go L onto Hodgson Pl.
  5. Go R along a grassy corridor with houses on your R.
  6. Go R on a concrete path.
  7. Pass (McNeil Pl) on your L.
  8. Cross over (Hodgson Cr) and continue straight ahead on a concrete path.
  9. Pass a playground on your R.
  10. Pass (Tubb Pl) on your L.
  11. Go L onto (Parkhill St).
  12. Pass Brinsmead St and Leighton St on your L.
  13. Where Parkhill St goes around to your L, go onto a grassy area and proceed uphill until you reach a fire trail and a sign reading ‘Summit Trails’.
  14. Go R on the fire trail. Follow the trail along for quite some way passing Mt Taylor Walking Track sign.
  15. When you come to a fork where a sign reads ‘To Reservoir’, veer R to take this track downhill, with houses on your R.
  16. Go R at a sign reading ‘To Macfarland Cr’ and continue downhill.
  17. Go through a gate and cross Macfarland Cr.
  18. Continue straight ahead on a dirt track through parkland running behind houses on your R.
  19. Continue past (Blackburn St) on your R.
  20. The track goes downhill to Whitelaw Pl. Continue straight ahead on a concrete path and follow it all the way downhill.
  21. When (Melrose Dr) comes fully into view but before reaching it, go R down (McNamara St).
  22. Go L onto (Collings St).
  23. Go R onto Hodgson St.
  24. Go L onto Biddlecombe St.
  25. Go L onto a concrete path running through a grassy reserve.
  26. Go R onto Marr St.
  27. At parkland go R down a concrete path and then R again as it heads uphill towards and through the (Pethebridge St) underpass.
  28. Continue on the path uphill going past (Givens St) and (Besant St) on your L.
  29. Opposite (Pendred St) and the Pearce Preschool, go R on a concrete path to pass The Pearce Centre on your R.
  30. Proceed onto (Collett Pl) then go L on a concrete path between trees and back to the Shops over (Hodgson Cr).