
Walk Features: This loop walk takes you from the Shops through streets, playgrounds and reserves. It also goes around Gungahlin Pond and up some hills on dirt tracks.

Duration of the walk: About 1 hour and 45 minutes.

Region: Gungahlin.

Information about the Suburb: Nicholls was established in 1994 and named after Sir Douglas Nicholls (1906–1988) who was born at Cummeragunja Aboriginal mission, New South Wales and who was a footballer, pastor, activist and a former Governor of South Australia. Its streets are named after various sportsmen and sportswomen.

Walk Directions

Click here for a pdf version of the walk directions.

To get to the start of the walk proceed north west along Gungahlin Dr then L onto Kelleway Av and R onto Lexcen Av to park at the Shops on your L.

Note that streets in brackets means there is no street sign at this point of the walk.

  1. Facing away from the IGA go L on Lexcen Av.
  2. Go L on Paisley St passing a playground over to your R.
  3. Pass May Mills Pl on your R.
  4. Go L on Kelleway Av.
  5. Opposite number 84 go R on a concrete path between houses.
  6. Continue uphill on the bitumen path.
  7. Pass a pond on your L.
  8. Cross a bridge.
  9. Proceed uphill on a concrete path.
  10. Go R on a concrete path up and over the hill.
  11. Take the L fork on a concrete path around the hill.
  12. Pass a playground on your L.
  13. Cross over Temperley St and continue straight ahead.
  14. Pass a playground on your R.
  15. Before the concrete path runs down to (Titus Pl), go L up the hill on a wide grassy track.
  16. Follow the track around to your R and down (Cecins Pl).
  17. Go L on Sutcliffe St.
  18. Go L on Sue Geh Cct.
  19. Go R on Temperley St.
  20. Pass Schow Pl on your R.
  21. Go R on Whitfield Cct.
  22. Go R on Lindwall Pl.
  23. Proceed out from its end across a parking area and down a concrete path.
  24. Go R on the bitumen path.
  25. Follow the path around Gungahlin Pond on your L.
  26. Proceed over the large pond wall and continue on a concrete path.
  27. At a white/bluev sign to Gungahlin, go L on a bitumen path.
  28. Pass a bitumen path on your R.
  29. Cross a low bridge.
  30. Pass a playground on your L.
  31. Pass Brolga Pl and Cockatoo Cl on your R.
  32. Follow the path around to your R and past the end of the golf course on your L.
  33. Go L on (Rosella St).
  34. At number 57 go R on a concrete path.
  35. Go L on a bitumen path alongside (Gundaroo Dr) on your R.
  36. Veer L on a bitumen path.
  37. Pass the (Gundaroo Dr) underpass on your R.
  38. Pass the entrance to the Gungahlin Lakes Golf Club on your L.
  39. Go L at the lights and follow the path alongside Gungahlin Dr on your R.
  40. Cross a bridge with the golf course on your L.
  41. Cross another bridge.
  42. Follow the path around to your L alongside Lexcen Ave.
  43. Cross a bridge over a pond.
  44. Go L on a bitumen path at the Nicholls sign with the golf course on your L and houses on your R.
  45. Pass Kay Pl on your R.
  46. At the sign to Nicholls Shops go R on a concrete path with houses on your L.
  47. Pass a playground up to your R.
  48. Follow the path around to your R to cross Lexcen Av and then at number 14 go L uphill on a concrete path.
  49. Go R on the concrete path to pass a playground on your L.
  50. Follow the path as it winds all the way up through and over the reserve.
  51. Go L on (Anne Clark Av).
  52. Pass a playground on your R.
  53. Pass a bus stop.
  54. Pass Freda Bennett Cct on your R.
  55. Just past number 43 go L on a concrete path.
  56. Proceed down Hellings Pl.
  57. Go R on Whatmore Ct and then R again on Whatmore Ct.
  58. Go L on Kelleway Av.
  59. Pass Oldershaw Ct on your L and continue back to the Shops.