
Walk Features: This loop walk takes you from the Shops through streets, playgrounds and reserves. You will pass Monash Hill and proceed beside Isabella Pond and Tuggeranong Creek.

Duration of the walk: About 1 hour and 50 minutes.

Region: Tuggeranong.

Information about the Suburb: Monash was established in 1978 and named after General Sir John Monash, (1865 to 1931), who commanded the Australian Army in France in the First World War. Its streets are named after engineers.

Walk Directions

Click here for a pdf version of the walk directions.

To get to the start of the walk proceed south down the Tuggeranong Parkway and Drakeford Dr. Go L into Erindale Dr, R into Charleston St, L into Clive Steele Ave, R into Barraclough Cr and then R into the Shops.

Note that streets in brackets means there is no street sign at this point of the walk.

  1. Facing away from the Shops, go R on a concrete path across a grassy water course.
  2. Go L on a concrete path.
  3. Pass the underpass on your L and cross over (Barraclough St) and continue straight ahead with a storm water drain on your L.
  4. The path later becomes bitumen, then concrete, and then bitumen again.
  5. Continue on the bitumen path straight ahead to cross over Clive Steele Av. DO NOT go through the underpass to your R.
  6. Go L along a concrete path as it proceeds up towards (Erindale Dr). DO NOT go up onto (Erindale Dr) but proceed L onto and along (Axon St).
  7. Go R onto Sturdee Cr.
  8. Pass two entrances into Fisk St on your R.
  9. Go R onto Crocker Pl.
  10. Proceed out from its end on the L hand concrete path.
  11. Go L on a bitumen path and proceed along it as it goes gently uphill.
  12. Pass a playground on your R and follow the R hand fork in the path leaving a seat on your L. [you can go up a dirt track to the top of hill as a side trip]
  13. Keep on a bitumen path as it goes around the hill on your L and then gradually downhill.
  14. Cross over two roads and a nature strip which comprise (Sturdee St) and go R.
  15. Just past number 38 go L down a concrete path between houses.
  16. Go R onto (Michell St).
  17. Go L onto Harricks Cr.
  18. Pass a bus stop.
  19. Pass Michel St on your L and Beirne St on your R. Note that there may be sculptures outside number 1 Beirne St.
  20. Go L onto Hebblewhite St.
  21. Pass Forwood St on L, Burnell Pl on your R, Fernie Pl on your L, Twine Pl on your R, and Forwood St on your L.
  22. Go R onto Corlette Cr.
  23. Pass Ahern Pl on your R.
  24. Follow Corlette Cr as it crosses over a grassy parkland into Steffanoni Cct.
  25. Continue straight ahead to pass the entrance to the Steffanoni Cct loop on your R and Checchi Pl on your L twice.
  26. Go L on a concrete path passing a playground on your L and continue straight ahead gently uphill.
  27. Cross over (Charleston St) at bus shelters and continue straight ahead on a concrete path.
  28. Follow the path as it goes around to your R and then downhill through low fence posts.
  29. Go L on a bitumen path. DO NOT go through the Drakeford Dr underpass.
  30. Proceed around Isabella Pond on your R.
  31. Pass an information board about the Monash Grasslands on your L.
  32. Cross over a low bridge and continue straight ahead on a bitumen path.
  33. At the white/blue sign to Calwell Centre and Chisholm Centre continue straight ahead.
  34. Pass a church centre over to your L and alongside a storm water drain on your R.
  35. Go under Clive Steele Ave.
  36. Cross over (Falconer St) and continue straight ahead on a concrete path under trees.
  37. Follow the concrete path around to your R passing a playground on your L.
  38. Continue along the concrete path behind houses on your L.
  39. Pass a bridge and a pond on your R.
  40. Cross over (Cockcroft Ave) and continue straight ahead on a concrete path, passing a playground on your R.
  41. Go L on a concrete path and follow it along through a grassy reserve to the Shops on your L.