Walk Features: This loop walk takes you from the Shops through the streets, playgrounds and parkland and past Mawson Ponds.
Duration of the walk: About 1 hour and 25 minutes.
Region: Woden Valley.
Information about the Suburb: Mawson was established in 1967 and named after the Antarctic explorer Sir Douglas Mawson. Its streets have the theme of Antarctic exploration.
Walk Directions
Click here for a pdf version of the walk directions.
To get to the start of the walk proceed south down Athlon Dr turn L into Mawson Dr, R into Heard St and park in the first car park on your R at Southlands Shops.
Note that streets in brackets means there is no street sign at this point of the walk.
- Proceed back out to (Heard St) and go L.
- Go R onto Mawson Dr.
- Take the first R onto Mount Evans St.
- Go L onto Heard St.
- Follow it around passing Mawson Pl and Mawson District Playing Fields on your R.
- At the end of the playing fields go R down a concrete path.
- Take the L fork on a concrete path passing a seat on your L.
- Pass a playground on your L.
- After the playground go L on a concrete path passing a seat on your L and head towards a bus shelter.
- Go L onto (Wilkins St).
- Go R onto Hoadley St.
- Pass MacRobertson St and Hoseason St on your L.
- Go R onto Shackleton St.
- Pass Pasco St on your R.
- Go R onto Jelbart St.
- Go R onto Hodgeman St.
- Go L onto Mawson Dr.
- Go R onto Debenham St.
- Pass Bage Pl on your L and Stillwell Pl on your R.
- Go R down a bitumen path.
- Go L on a bitumen path.
- Pass a bridge on your R.
- Go L onto Colbeck St.
- Pass Debenham St, Rymill Pl and Joyce Pl on your L.
- Pass Markham St and then some shops on your R.
- Go R onto Ashworth St.
- Go L onto Enderby St.
- Just after number 222, go L on a concrete path going uphill and around to a park.
- Go R on a concrete path going downhill through the park passing a playground over to your R.
- Go R onto (Hurley St).
- Pass Enderby St on your R. Note the rainbow painted house at number 35.
- Go L into Bride Pl.
- Proceed out from its end on a bitumen path.
- Go L on a bitumen path. Continue along past Mawson Ponds on your R. Note Mt Taylor over to your R.
- Veer L on a concrete path at a white/blue sign to Southlands 0.4.
- Veer L on a concrete path and cross over (Mawson Dr) back to the Shops.