
Walk Features: This loop walk takes you from the Child Care Centre through parkland and streets, on some of the Centenary Trail and dirt tracks.

Duration of the walk: About 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Region: Tuggeranong.

Information about the Suburb: Macarthur was established in 1983 and named after John Macarthur, one of the founders of Australia’s Merino wool industry. Its streets have a wool industry theme.

Walk Directions

Click here for a pdf version of the walk directions.

To get to the start of the walk proceed south down Drakeford Dr turn L into Isabella Dr, L into Coyne St and R into Carson St, L car park in front of the Child Care Centre.

Note that streets in brackets means there is no street sign at this point of the walk.

  1. Proceed down the concrete path that runs alongside the Child Care Centre on your L.
  2. Go L on a concrete path behind the Child Care Centre.
  3. Take the L fork on a concrete path passing a playground on your R.
  4. When the (Coyne St) underpass comes into view go R on a concrete path over towards houses and onto (Bayly Pl).
  5. Go R onto Max Henry Cr.
  6. Pass Hardie Cl on your R.
  7. Cross over Jackie Howe Cr and proceed up a concrete path.
  8. Follow a concrete path and when the houses come into view ahead, go R down a dirt track through bushland and down to Jackie Howe Cr
  9. Go L onto Jackie Howe Cr.
  10. Pass Dennys Pl and Marston Pl on your R.
  11. Go L onto Goldsbrough Cl and follow it around to the L.
  12. Proceed out from the end of the close and through a gate to follow a dirt track around to your R with houses on your R.
  13. Follow the track which becomes a rough gravely bitumen fire trail.
  14. At the Canberra Centenary Trail sign cross over the road and continue straight ahead with a fence on your L.
  15. Pass a grid on your L.
  16. Veer L on a dirt track as it runs uphill with houses over to your R.
  17. Proceed through a grid down to (Ebsworth Cl).
  18. Go L then proceed out through a gate and continue straight ahead on a fire trail behind houses on your R.
  19. Pass (Starritt Pl) on your R and continue straight ahead.
  20. Proceed through a gate and down (Carson St).
  21. Pass Falkiner Pl on your L.
  22. Go R onto Jackie Howe Cr.
  23. Pass Kater Cl on your R and Hawkesworth Pl on your L.
  24. Go L down a concrete path through reserve beside houses on your R.
  25. Pass a seat then R on a concrete path into (Mules Pl).
  26. Go L onto Merriman Cr.
  27. Pass a playground to your L.
  28. Pass Haly Pl on your L, Macknight Pl on your R and Schinckel Pl on your L.
  29. Go L onto Jackie Howe Cr.
  30. Go L on a concrete path and follow the Centenary Trail signs all the way down through a reserve between houses.
  31. Pass a playground over to your L.
  32. When the (Coyne St) underpass comes into view and opposite (Bayly Pl) on your R, go L on a concrete path.
  33. Pass a playground and continue straight ahead through Macarthur Community Park.
  34. Pass a skate park on your R then take the R fork on a concrete path and follow it back to the Child Care Centre.