Walk Features: This loop walk takes you from the Shops through the streets, playgrounds and reserves, and on dirt tracks above the suburb.
Duration of the walk: About 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Region: Woden Valley.
Information about the Suburb: Isaacs was established in 1986 and named after Isaac Isaacs (1855–1948), politician, Chief Justice and the first Australian born Governor-General (from 1931–36).. Its streets are named after people associated with Australian education.
Walk Directions
Click here for a pdf version of the walk directions.
To get to the start of the walk proceed south down Adelaide Ave, cross over Hindmarsh Drive. Then turn L into Julia Flynn Ave,R into Ringrose Cr, then R into Farr Pl and park at the Shops.
Note that streets in brackets means there is no street sign at this point of the walk.
- Facing the Shops, proceed down the R hand side on a concrete path closest to the Shops.
- Pass playgrounds on your L.
- Go L on a concrete path.
- Veer R on a bitumen path.
- Go L on a bitumen path to cross an iron railing bridge.
- Proceed through the (Dorsch St) underpass.
- Pass a playground on your R.
- Proceed through the (Julia Flynn Av) underpass.
- Pass a playground on your L.
- At the end of the houses on your R continue straight ahead on a bitumen path.
- Go L on a concrete path and up onto a fire trail.
- At the first house proceed down a dirt track to and along (Corrigan Pl).
- Go R onto Rowntree Cr.
- Pass Kilgour Pl and Taber Pl on your R.
- Go R onto Bronowski Pl.
- Go L on a concrete path.
- Pass between seats and continue straight ahead on a concrete path.
- Pass Rooney Pl on your R.
- Proceed alongside Julia Flynn Av on your L.
- Pass a bus stop and seat.
- Pass Huffer Cl on your R.
- Go R onto Buntine Cr.
- Pass Coburn Pl, Reddall Cl and Detmann Cl on your R.
- Go R on a concrete path and continue around to your R past a seat on your R.
- Continue on a concrete path as it winds through the reserve.
- Go R on a bitumen path.
- Go L on a concrete path.
- Proceed up steps.
- Go L onto (Kaeppel Pl).
- Go R onto Maclagan St.
- Pass Chapple Cl and Braim Pl on your R.
- Go R onto Julia Flynn Av.
- Pass Crook Pl on your R.
- Pass a bus stop.
- Pass Ringrose Cr on your L.
- Go R onto William Wilkins Cr.
- Pass Muecke Pl on your R.
- Pass Taplin Pl on your L.
- Pass Hughson Pl on your R.
- Go L on a bitumen path at a bridge.
- Cross over (William Wilkins Cr).and continue straight ahead downhill on a bitumen path.
- Go L onto (Brombey St).
- Pass William Wilkins Cr on your L.
- Pass a bus stop.
- Go L onto Julia Flynn Ave.
- Pass Ellwood Cr on your R.
- Go L onto Adkinson Cl.
- Go R onto Gladman Cl.
- Go R at the top down (Gladman Cl).
- Go R on a concrete path.
- Go R on a concrete path through the (Julia Flynn Av) underpass.
- Go R on a concrete path and down through a reserve.
- Go L onto (Ellwood Cr).
- Go L onto (Satchell Pl).
- Proceed out on a concrete path.
- Go R on a concrete path and proceed alongside (Ringrose Cr) on L and back to the Shops on your R.