
Walk Features: This loop walk takes you from the Shops through the streets, playgrounds and reserves, and on dirt tracks above the suburb.

Duration of the walk: About 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Region: Woden Valley.

Information about the Suburb: Isaacs was established in 1986 and named after Isaac Isaacs (1855–1948), politician, Chief Justice and the first Australian born Governor-General (from 1931–36).. Its streets are named after people associated with Australian education.

Walk Directions

Click here for a pdf version of the walk directions.

To get to the start of the walk proceed south down Adelaide Ave, cross over Hindmarsh Drive. Then turn L into Julia Flynn Ave,R into Ringrose Cr, then R into Farr Pl and park at the Shops.

Note that streets in brackets means there is no street sign at this point of the walk.

  1. Facing the Shops, proceed down the R hand side on a concrete path closest to the Shops.
  2. Pass playgrounds on your L.
  3. Go L on a concrete path.
  4. Veer R on a bitumen path.
  5. Go L on a bitumen path to cross an iron railing bridge.
  6. Proceed through the (Dorsch St) underpass.
  7. Pass a playground on your R.
  8. Proceed through the (Julia Flynn Av) underpass.
  9. Pass a playground on your L.
  10. At the end of the houses on your R continue straight ahead on a bitumen path.
  11. Go L on a concrete path and up onto a fire trail.
  12. At the first house proceed down a dirt track to and along (Corrigan Pl).
  13. Go R onto Rowntree Cr.
  14. Pass Kilgour Pl and Taber Pl on your R.
  15. Go R onto Bronowski Pl.
  16. Go L on a concrete path.
  17. Pass between seats and continue straight ahead on a concrete path.
  18. Pass Rooney Pl on your R.
  19. Proceed alongside Julia Flynn Av on your L.
  20. Pass a bus stop and seat.
  21. Pass Huffer Cl on your R.
  22. Go R onto Buntine Cr.
  23. Pass Coburn Pl, Reddall Cl and Detmann Cl on your R.
  24. Go R on a concrete path and continue around to your R past a seat on your R.
  25. Continue on a concrete path as it winds through the reserve.
  26. Go R on a bitumen path.
  27. Go L on a concrete path.
  28. Proceed up steps.
  29. Go L onto (Kaeppel Pl).
  30. Go R onto Maclagan St.
  31. Pass Chapple Cl and Braim Pl on your R.
  32. Go R onto Julia Flynn Av.
  33. Pass Crook Pl on your R.
  34. Pass a bus stop.
  35. Pass Ringrose Cr on your L.
  36. Go R onto William Wilkins Cr.
  37. Pass Muecke Pl on your R.
  38. Pass Taplin Pl on your L.
  39. Pass Hughson Pl on your R.
  40. Go L on a bitumen path at a bridge.
  41. Cross over (William Wilkins Cr).and continue straight ahead downhill on a bitumen path.
  42. Go L onto (Brombey St).
  43. Pass William Wilkins Cr on your L.
  44. Pass a bus stop.
  45. Go L onto Julia Flynn Ave.
  46. Pass Ellwood Cr on your R.
  47. Go L onto Adkinson Cl.
  48. Go R onto Gladman Cl.
  49. Go R at the top down (Gladman Cl).
  50. Go R on a concrete path.
  51. Go R on a concrete path through the (Julia Flynn Av) underpass.
  52. Go R on a concrete path and down through a reserve.
  53. Go L onto (Ellwood Cr).
  54. Go L onto (Satchell Pl).
  55. Proceed out on a concrete path.
  56. Go R on a concrete path and proceed alongside (Ringrose Cr) on L and back to the Shops on your R.