
Walk Features: This loop walk takes you from the Shops through the streets, playgrounds and reserves. There are some steps at one point in the walk.

Duration of the walk: About 1 hour and 35 minutes.

Region: Belconnen.

Information about the Suburb: Giralang was established in 1974 and named after after the word in the language of the Wiradhuri Aboriginal tribe of the Central West of New South Wales, meaning star. Its streets are named after Aboriginal words for stars, astronomers and constellations seen from the southern hemisphere.

Walk Directions

Click here for a pdf version of the walk directions.

To get to the start of the walk proceed west along Belconnen Way. Turn R into Haydon Dr, L into Ginninderra Dr. R into William Slim Dr. R into Chuculba Cr. R into Canopus Cr. R into Atalumba Cl and park at the far end of the car park.

Note that streets in brackets means there is no street sign at this point of the walk.

  1. Proceed out from the car park and head over to a gully and a playing field.
  2. Follow alongside the gully on your L.
  3. Cross over the end of the soccer field with a gully still on your L.
  4. Go R on a bitumen path. Go past a sign to Rigel Pl.
  5. Cross over Dodwell St and continue straight ahead.
  6. Just before (William Slim Dr) veer R onto a concrete path and continue straight ahead behind houses on your R.
  7. At a t-junction take a concrete path to your L and follow it behind houses to (Chuculba Cr).
  8. Cross the road and pick up a concrete path that runs behind houses on your R.
  9. The path runs into (Warrambool Cl). Follow this road around to its end.
  10. Continue straight ahead onto a grassy area and then pick up a dirt track going uphill over to your R.
  11. Just before fence line on your L take a narrow a dirt track going through trees on your R.
  12. Cross over (Baracchi Cr) to a concrete path towards a playground.
  13. Follow a concrete path down and around to your R and then downhill.
  14. Cross over (Baracchi Cr) and continue straight ahead on a concrete path.
  15. Cross over (Mirrabucca Cr) and continue straight ahead uphill.
  16. Proceed through the (Chuculba Cr) underpass and follow a concrete path over to a playground passing it on your R.
  17. Follow a concrete path between houses ignoring paths going off to your L and R. Do not go down to underpass but follow a concrete path straight ahead and around to your L uphill.
  18. Cross over (Chucumba Cr) and turn R on a concrete path.
  19. Pass a bus stop.
  20. Follow the path along and then around to your L uphill.
  21. Ignore the fork to your R and continue straight ahead and then onto narrow a dirt track.
  22. Proceed through a low wooden fence and continue straight ahead.
  23. As soon as you pass a line of houses, turn R across a grassy area and proceed along behind houses on your R.
  24. At (Antares Cr), follow a low wooden fence along with the road on your R.
  25. Pass Womba Pl and then go R down Malindi Pl.
  26. At its end pick up a concrete path and follow it around a playground on your R.
  27. Follow the path downhill and through the (Chuculba Cr) underpass.
  28. At a playground on your L take a concrete path to the L to a junction.
  29. Go L and follow it behind houses on your R. Ignore paths going off to your L and R and continue uphill.
  30. Go up three flights of steps and turn R onto (Chuculba Cr).
  31. Pass Sculptor St on your L.
  32. Pass a bus stop and seat.
  33. Pass Canopus Cr on your R.
  34. Pass Sculptor St on your L.
  35. Pass Wanaga Pl on your R.
  36. Just past a bus stop, a seat and then a red gate, turn R onto a bitumen path.
  37. Continue along a path to the Aussie Rules playing field.
  38. At the end of the playing field go R off a bitumen path.
  39. Proceed behind the playing field with a gully on your R until you return to the car park. If you come to an underpass you have gone too far.