Walk Features: This loop walk takes you from the Manuka Shops through the leafy streets and around Collins Park.
Duration of the walk: About 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Region: South Canberra.
Information about the Suburb: Forrest was established in 1926 and named after Sir John Forrest, an explorer, legislator, federalist, premier of Western Australia, and one of the fathers of the Australian Constitution. Its streets are named after explorers and governors.
Walk Directions
Click here for a pdf version of the walk directions.
To get to the start of the walk park anywhere near Manuka Shops and then proceed to the corner of Bougainville St and Furneaux St.
Note that streets in brackets means there is no street sign at this point of the walk.
- Proceed away from the shops along Bougainville St.
- Go R onto Ducane St.
- Go L onto (Franklin St).
- Go R onto Empire Cct.
- Cross over Canberra Ave.
- Cross over Fitzroy St.
- Proceed down a footpath with townhouses on your L.
- Go L onto (New South Wales Cr).
- Go L onto Dominion Cct.
- Cross over Fitzroy St.
- Cross over Canberra Ave.
- Cross over (Franklin St).
- Continue alongside Dominion Cct passing Arthur Circle on L.
- Go R onto Hobart Ave.
- Cross over National Circuit and pass Forrest Primary School on your R.
- Just after the school go L onto Somers Cr.
- Go L at Talbot St.
- Go R onto National Cct.
- Go L onto (Barkly Cr).
- Go R onto Dominion Cct.
- Go L at Davey Cr.
- Cross over Empire Cct.
- Go L up Wilmot St.
- Pass Ord St on your R.
- Go R onto Tennyson Cr.
- Turn L onto Mugga Way and follow the footpath straight ahead as it runs alongside Mugga Way on your R.
- Pass Baudin St on your L.
- Pass Dampier Cr on your L.
- Go L onto Moresby St.
- Go L onto Arthur Circle at a bus shelter and an information board.
- Pass Rous Cr on your L.
- Go R at Dampier Cr.
- Cross over Tasmania Circle into (Collins Park).
- Go L alongside Tasmania Circle on your L.
- Cross over (Empire Cct) and proceed clockwise around the little park.
- Cross back over (Empire Cct) and continue uphill on Tasmania Circle with a big park on your R.
- Near the top of the park, between house numbers 17 and 19, go L down a bitumen path between houses.
- Cross over Arthur Circle and continue down Furneaux St.
- Pass a bus stop and Murray Cr on your R.
- Cross over Furneaux St and back to the Shops.