Walk Features: This loop walk takes you from the Shops through the streets, playgrounds and reserves.
Duration of the walk: About 1 hour and 45 minutes.
Region: Belconnen.
Information about the Suburb: Florey was established in 1980 and named after Howard Florey, Baron Florey, who shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1945 for his role in the extraction of penicillin. Its streets are named Australian scientists.
Walk Directions
Click here for a pdf version of the walk directions.
To get to the start of the walk proceed west all the way out along Belconnen Way until you meet Kingsford Smith Drive where you turn R. Go across Southern Cross Drive. Then take the next turn to the R into Krefft St. L into Ratcliffe Cr, L into Kesteven St and park at the shops in the right hand car park. Meet between the Shops at the little playground.
Note that streets in brackets means there is no street sign at this point of the walk.
- Facing a playground go R on a concrete path alongside the Shops on your R.
- Go L on a concrete path through the (Ratcliffe Cr) underpass and proceed uphill.
- Cross over (Enright Cr).
- Cross over (Summerville Cr).
- Go R onto (Hamlet Pl).
- Go L onto Tunney Cr.
- Go R onto Summerville Cr.
- Go L on a concrete path through a park.
- Take the L fork and pass a playground on your R.
- Further on take the R fork and continue downhill.
- Go L onto (Herman Cl).
- Go R onto Challinor Cr.
- Go R onto Ratcliffe Cr and past a bus stop.
- Pass Lightfoot Cr on your L.
- Go R onto Southern Cross Dr on a bitumen path.
- IGNORE the path to Page Shops and continue straight ahead.
- Proceed through the Ratcliffe Cr underpass.
- Take the R fork uphill and behind houses on your R.
- Proceed through the Barnard Cct underpass.
- Just before a metal fence and the Krefft St underpass, go R on a concrete path up to (Krefft Cr).
- Go L on a concrete path then R into Neumann Pl.
- Proceed off this cul de sac before it swings around to your L.
- Go through a low wooden fence then R between houses to (Wadham Pl).
- Proceed up (Wadham Pl).
- Go L onto Ennor Cr and pass Bagster Pl on your L.
- Go L onto Laidley Pl.
- Proceed out from its end and go R on a dirt track.
- Go R on the first concrete path between houses.
- Pass a playground on your L.
- Go L on a concrete path with the playground on your L.
- Go L onto Maccallum Cct.
- Pass Bowley Pl on your L.
- Go L onto Whittell Cr.
- At number 31 go L on a concrete path and follow it around to your R.
- Proceed along under electricity pylons and around to your R at the end of the houses.
- Go L on a concrete path as it runs directly across a grassy area and across (John Cleland Cr) to a bus shelter.
- Go R on a concrete path as it proceeds beside (John Cleland Cr).
- Pass another bus shelter and go L into Twelvetrees Cr.
- Pass Camfield Pl on your L.
- Just before an iron railing bridge go R down a concrete path.
- Proceed through a playground and continue straight ahead.
- Go L on a concrete path and cross over a storm water drain and into (Musson Cl).
- Go R onto Twelvetrees Cr.
- Pass Edman Cl on your L.
- Go R onto Bibby Pl.
- Proceed out from the end of Bibby Pl on a concrete path and across a storm water drain.
- Go R onto (Tattersall) Cr).
- Pass Gard Pl on your L.
- Go L on a concrete path.
- Proceed through the (John Cleland Cr) underpass.
- Take the L fork uphill then go R and back to the Shops.