Walk Features: This loop walk takes you from the Shops uphill through parkland and playgrounds, around the top and back down through streets and around Fadden Pond. You can also do an extra walk around Hannah Community Park.
Duration of the walk: About 1 hour and 30 minutes plus another 15 minutes for the extension.
Region: Tuggeranong.
Information about the Suburb: Fadden was established in 1981 and named after Sir Arthur Fadden, Prime Minister of Australia briefly in 1941. Its streets are named after Queensland politicians.
Walk Directions
Click here for a pdf version of the walk directions.
To get to the start of the walk proceed south down Adelaide Ave, Yamba Dr and Erindale Dr. Turn L into Sternberg Cr then L into Bugden Ave and R into Partridge St, L Bramston St, L Hanlon Cr and park in front of the Shops.
Note that streets in brackets means there is no street sign at this point of the walk.
- Proceed out to Bramston St and go L on a concrete path.
- Go L on a concrete path before a bridge.
- Go L on a bitumen path and continue uphill for quite some time.
- Pass Fadden Primary School and the Neighbourhood Oval on your L and a playground on your R.
- Cross over Bugden Av and continue straight ahead up Nicklin Cr.
- Pass a bus stop.
- Go R onto Richter Cl.
- Pass Richter Cl on your L.
- Go R on a bitumen path/road and through a gate.
- Go L on a bitumen path (Fadden FT) up the hill.
- Pass a gate on your L and continue around to your R.
- Pass a bitumen path on your L and continue straight ahead.
- Pass the Mt Wanniassa sign on your R.
- Pass a bitumen path on your L.
- Veer L and through a gate.
- Continue straight ahead down (Decker Pl).
- Go R onto Stopford Cr.
- Go R onto Nicklin Cr.
- Immediately go L on a concrete path.
- Pass a playground on your R.
- Proceed all the way around close to a pond on your R.
- Proceed onto a dirt track and continue all the way around the pond.
- Go L on a concrete path away from the playground.
- Immediately go L onto (Nicklin Cr).
- Pass tennis courts on your R.
- Go R onto Bugden Av.
- Pass Appel Cr on your R.
- Pass Dash Cr on your L.
- Pass a bus stop.
- Pass Dash Cr on your L.
- Pass Partridge St on your L.
- Pass a bus stop.
- Just past number 401 go L on a concrete path.
- Just begore a playground go sharp L to double back on a concrete path uphill.
- Go L onto (Bertram St).
- Go L onto Airey Cr.
- Pass Meston Pl on your L.
- Pass Crampton Pl on your L.
- Go R onto Partridge St.
- Go L onto Bulcock Pl.
- Proceed out on a concrete path.
- Go R on a bitumen path with a playground over to your L.
- Pass Fadden Primary School on your L.
- Pass the Bramston St underpass on your R and proceed back to the Shops.
- Go R on a concrete path through the Bramston St underpass.
- Proceed onto a bitumen path.
- Veer L on a bitumen path.
- Go L on a bitumen path.
- Veer L to proceed alongside houses on your R and Hannah Community Park on your L.
- Proceed through the (Bramston St) underpass.
- Proceed onto a bitumen path then veer L on a concrete path and back to the Shops on your L.