
Walk Features: This loop walk takes you from the Shops through the streets and playgrounds. It passes the Unmarked Cemetery and runs alongside Ginninderra Creek and near wetlands.

Duration of the walk: About 1 hour and 50 minutes.

Region: Belconnen.

Information about the Suburb: Evatt was established in 1972 and named after after Herbert Vere Evatt (1894–1965). He was a Justice of the High Court (1930 to 1940); Attorney-General and Minister for External Affairs (1941 to 1949). Leader of the Labor opposition (1951 to 1960). He served as President of the United Nations General Assembly from 1948 to 1949, and helped draft the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Its streets are named after people associated with parliament, and law professionals.

Walk Directions

Click here for a pdf version of the walk directions.

To get to the start of the walk turn off Clancy St into Heydon Cr and park at the Shops.

Note that streets in brackets means there is no street sign at this point of the walk.

  1. From the end of the Shops proceed out on a concrete path through the (Clancy St) underpass.
  2. Continue along past a seat on your R and continue straight ahead.
  3. Veer R on a concrete path then veer R again at a white/blue sign to Evatt Shops.
  4. Go R at a bus shelter (Ashkansy Cr).
  5. Go L onto Pitcairn St.
  6. Go L on a concrete path into parkland passing a playground on your L.
  7. Pass a seat and basketball court on your R.
  8. Go sharp L on a concrete path down between houses.
  9. Proceed through the (Ashkansy Cr) underpass and veer R on a concrete path.
  10. Follow a concrete path around to your L and alongside (Hatfield St).
  11. Pass Stenhouse Cl on your L.
  12. Go L on a concrete path off Hatfield St.
  13. Pass a playground over to your L as you proceed alongside (Levine St) on your R.
  14. Go L on a concrete path opposite (Chomley Ct) on your R.
  15. Continue straight ahead on a concrete path towards St Monica’s Primary School.
  16. Pass a playground and a school on your R.
  17. Proceed up (Montagu Pl).
  18. Go R onto Deffell St.
  19. Go L onto Moynihan St.
  20. Go R onto Sharwood Cr.
  21. Pass Evatt Unmarked Cemetery (see information below) on your R.
  22. Go R on a concrete path between houses at numbers 26 and 28.
  23. Follow a concrete path around to your L.
  24. Pass a playground on your L.
  25. Go L on a bitumen path and follow it along with Ginnindera Creek over to your R.
  26. Pass a sign to Sharwood Cr and continue straight ahead.
  27. Pass a sign and a bridge to Carlile St and continue straight ahead.
  28. Pass a sign to Evatt Shops and continue straight ahead.
  29. Pass a sign to McGill St and continue straight ahead.
  30. Pass around a playground on your L and up into (Read Pl).
  31. Proceed up (Read Pl).
  32. Go R onto Fitzhardinge Cr.
  33. Go R onto Callaghan St.
  34. Go L onto William Webb Dr.
  35. Go L onto Moynihan St at the lights.
  36. Pass a bus stop.
  37. Go R onto Norton St.
  38. Pass Freehill St on your L.
  39. Pass Macdowell St on your L.
  40. Pass Gleadow St on your L twice.
  41. Go L onto Clancy St.
  42. Go R onto Kinkead St.
  43. At number 23 continue straight ahead through a low wooden fence.
  44. Go R on a concrete path.
  45. Just past a playground go L across parkland passing a playground and basketball court on your L.
  46. Continue straight ahead out of parkland and down a concrete path to (Cutlack St).
  47. Go L onto (Cutlack St).
  48. Go R onto Heydon Cr.
  49. Pass Kevin St on your L.
  50. Pass Cutlack St on your R.
  51. Go L at a bus shelter on a concrete path.
  52. Proceed on a concrete path alongside (McHugh St).
  53. Continue on a concrete path with Evatt Neighbourhood Oval over to your L.
  54. Go L onto Badenoch Cr.
  55. Pass Jacobs St on your L twice.
  56. Pass Gollan St on your L twice.
  57. Go L onto Cawthorn Cr.
  58. Pass Collins Pl on your L.
  59. Pass Smart Pl on your L.
  60. Go L onto Dewar Pl.
  61. Proceed out from the end of Dewar Pl on a concrete path.
  62. Go L on a concrete path and continue straight ahead for quite a while.
  63. Pass a playground on your R.
  64. Pass a playground and reserve over to your L and continue straight ahead behind houses on your R.
  65. Pass a school on your L.
  66. Just before the (Heydon Cr) underpass go R up onto (Heydon Cr).
  67. Go R alongside (Heydon Cr) and back to the Shops.