
Walk Features: This loop walk takes you from the Shops through the streets, reserves and playgrounds. The suburb is noted for its trees especially in Autumn.

Duration of the walk: About 1 hour and 40 minutes.

Region: Woden Valley.

Information about the Suburb: Curtin was established in 1962 and named after John Curtin, Australian Prime Minister between 1941 and 1945. Its streets are named after state premiers.

Walk Directions

Click here for a pdf version of the walk directions.

To get to the start of the walk proceed south down Adelaide Av then Yarra Glen Dr. go R on Carruthers St, L on Theodore St, then park in the car park on your R at the Curtin Shops.

Note that streets in brackets means there is no street sign at this point of the walk.

  1. Proceed out to Carruthers St and cross at the lights.
  2. Proceed up a concrete path to a playground.
  3. Proceed L away from the playground over to the corner of Carruthers St and McCulloch St.
  4. Pass McCulloch St on your R.
  5. Proceed alongside Carruthers St on your L.
  6. At the (Carruthers St) underpass go R on a concrete path through a reserve.
  7. Pass a playground on your R and continue straight ahead on a concrete path through a reserve.
  8. Go L on a concrete path just before the (Dunstan St) underpass.
  9. Pass a bus stop.
  10. Go L onto Throssell St.
  11. Pass Shiels Pl on your R.
  12. Pass Prendergast St on your L.
  13. Pass a bus stop.
  14. Pass O’Shanasay St on your R.
  15. Pass Robertson St on your L.
  16. Pass O’Shanasay St on your R.
  17. Just past a post box go R on a concrete path up to a playground.
  18. At the playground go L on a concrete path uphill.
  19. Veer R on a dirt track to continue uphill through the reserve.
  20. Go R onto (Dunstan St).
  21. Go R onto Morehead St.
  22. Go R onto Dunstan St.
  23. Pass Elmslie Pl and Bowser Pl on your L.
  24. Pass Peake Pl on your R.
  25. Pass Gregson Pl on your L.
  26. Pass North Curtin District Playing Fields on your L.
  27. Pass Throssell St on your R.
  28. Pass a bus shelter.
  29. Go L onto McCulloch St.
  30. Go R onto Waterhouse St.
  31. Go L onto Peacock Pl.
  32. Proceed out on a bitumen path.
  33. Go R on a bitumen path and continue straight ahead alongside a reserve and a storm water drain on your L for quite a way.
  34. Proceed through the Carruthers St underpass.
  35. Go L on a bitumen path.
  36. Go R on a bitumen path.
  37. Go R on a concrete path through a reserve beside houses on your L.
  38. Before the (Theodore St) underpass go L on a concrete path.
  39. Pass Holman St on your L.
  40. Pass Curtin Primary School on your R and Cosgrove St on your L.
  41. Go L onto Theodore St.
  42. Go R onto James St.
  43. Pass Rason Pl on your R.
  44. Pass James Pl on your L.
  45. Pass (Wilson St) on your R.
  46. Go R onto Wilson St.
  47. Pass (Wilson St) on your R.
  48. Proceed out on a concrete path.
  49. Go sharp R on a concrete path downhill through a reserve.
  50. Pass a playground on your R.
  51. Pass a seat.
  52. Proceed through the (Carruthers St) underpass.
  53. Veer R on a concrete path around (South Curtin Neighbourhood Oval) on your L and Curtin Primary School on your R.
  54. Near the end of the playing field go R on a concrete path downhill.
  55. Take the L fork on a concrete path.
  56. Pass Holy Trinity Primary School on your R and continue straight ahead.
  57. Veer L on a concrete path.
  58. Veer R on a concrete path to pass a playground on your R.
  59. Continue straight ahead through a reserve with houses on your L.
  60. At the (Carruthers St) underpass go R on a concrete path.
  61. Pass Strangways St on your R and continue straight ahead back to the Shops on your R.