
Walk Features: This loop walk takes you from the Shops through parkland and playgrounds. You will pass the historic Tuggeranong School House and Simpsons Hill.

Duration of the walk: About 1 hour and 50 minutes.

Region: Tuggeranong.

Information about the Suburb: Chisholm was established in 1982 and named after Caroline Chisholm. Its streets are named after notable women.

Walk Directions

Click here for a pdf version of the walk directions.

To get to the start of the walk proceed south down Drakeford Drive turn L into Isabella Dr, R into Bentham St, L into Halley St and R into car park in front of the Shops.

Note that streets in brackets means there is no street sign at this point of the walk.

  1. Proceed out to (Halley St) and go L.
  2. Pass the entrance to a bridge on your R.
  3. Cross over Benham St onto a concrete path.
  4. Pass Chisholm District Playing Fields on your L.
  5. Just before Isabella Dr underpass go L on a concrete path between houses.
  6. Pass a playground on your L and continue straight ahead between houses.
  7. Go R onto (Norriss St) at a bus stop.
  8. Pass Caroline Chisholm School oval over on your L and Woodburn St on your R.
  9. Pass a bus shelter and tennis courts on your L.
  10. Pass Woodburn St on your R.
  11. Go L onto Goldstein Cr and pass a bus stop.
  12. Go L onto Hambidge Cr.
  13. Pass Caroline Chisholm School oval on your L and a bus stop.
  14. Pass Truganini Pl on your R.
  15. Opposite a school entrance go R on a concrete path.
  16. Proceed through parkland on your L.
  17. Pass a playground way over to your L.
  18. Pass a seat and continue straight ahead on a concrete path.
  19. Proceed through the (Goldstein Cr) underpass and continue straight ahead through parkland on your R.
  20. Go L on a concrete path to pass a playground on your R and then continue R on the concrete path to pass the same playground on your R.
  21. Go L on a concrete path between houses.
  22. Go R onto (Durham Pl).
  23. Go L onto Swanton St.
  24. Go R onto Heagney Cr.
  25. Pass Beattie Cr on your R.
  26. Pass a bus shelter.
  27. Pass McLorinan St on your L.
  28. Go L onto Clift Cr.
  29. Go L on a concrete path at the (Clift Cr) underpass leaving the underpass behind.
  30. Proceed for quite some uphill through parkland on your R and initially alongside (Moffin St) on your L.
  31. Pass (Bon Pl) and (Bear Pl) on your L.
  32. Pass a playground on your R.
  33. Proceed alongside (Muntz St) on your L.
  34. Pass Dilboong Pl on your L.
  35. Pass a seat.
  36. Pass a large boulder and seat.
  37. Pass a playground and seat on your L.
  38. Go L at a bus shelter at (Deamer Cr).
  39. Cross over Heagney Cr and then go L up a concrete path to proceed through a reserve.
  40. Go L onto (Enid Lorimer Cct).
  41. Pass Curnow Pl on your R.
  42. Pass Enid Lorimer Cct on your L.
  43. Go R onto Deacon Cl.
  44. Pass Tuggeranong School House on your R and Simpsons Hill on your L.
  45. At the end of Deacon Cl go L on a brick paved road.
  46. Proceed out to a dirt track and go R.
  47. Follow the dirt track behind houses on your R and Simpsons Hill on your L.
  48. At the end of the houses go R down steps.
  49. Go L onto (Lucy Gullett Cct).
  50. Pass Berrell St on your L.
  51. Go L onto Lucy Gullett Cct.
  52. Pass Flockton Pl on your R.
  53. Go R onto Baskerville St.
  54. Pass a bus shelter.
  55. Go L down a concrete path before an iron railing bridge.
  56. Go L on a concrete path leaving the (Baskerville St) underpass behind.
  57. Cross over (Hambidge Cr) to continue straight ahead on a concrete path as it runs alongside Norriss St on your R.
  58. Pass Wedgwood Cl on your R.
  59. Go R onto Proctor St.
  60. Pass Sweet Pl on your R.
  61. Pass a playground on your L.
  62. Pass a bus stop.
  63. Pass Chisholm District Playing Fields on your L.
  64. Pass Maclean St on your R.
  65. Go L onto (Mead St).
  66. Go R onto Benham St to proceed around behind shops.
  67. Pass a bus shelter.
  68. Go L onto Halley St and back to a car park and the Shops.