
Walk Features: This loop walk takes you from the Shops through the streets, playgrounds, bushland and various parks such as Victoria Cross Park, George Cross Park, Legacy Park, Hassett Park and RSL Park. There are some dirt tracks and steps on this walk.

Duration of the walk: About 1 hour and 45 minutes.

Region: North Canberra.

Information about the Suburb: Campbell was established in 1928 and named after Robert Campbell, the owner of Duntroon station on which Campbell is now located.

Walk Directions

Click here for a pdf version of the walk directions.

To get to the start of the walk proceed east along Parkes Way go L up Anzac Parade, R into Constitution Ave, L Blamey Cr, then R Blamey Pl and park at the Shops.

Note that streets in brackets means there is no street sign at this point of the walk.

  1. Facing the Shops proceed out between them on a concrete path.
  2. Go l around the back of the Shops past a toilet block and a playground on your R.
  3. Take a concrete path as it runs away from the Shops beside houses on your L and parkland on your R.
  4. Go L onto (White Cr), then R at a bus stop up a dirt track.
  5. Follow the dirt track beside a gully on your L and houses on your R.
  6. Go R on a concrete path between houses.
  7. Go L onto (Waller Cr).
  8. Go R onto Howse St.
  9. Cross over Glossop Cr.
  10. At Derrick St go L on a concrete path between two rock walls into Victoria Cross Park. Read about Sir Neville Richard Howse and the Victoria Cross.
  11. Pass a playground on your L.
  12. Cross over (Glossop Cr) and proceed on a concrete path between houses.
  13. Cross over Waller Cr and proceed up Jackson St under (Fairbairn Av).
  14. Cross over Rosenthal St.
  15. Pass Ferdinand St on your L.
  16. Go L onto Cobby St.
  17. Pass a playground on your L
  18. Pass Ferdinand St on your L.
  19. Pass Rosenthal St on your L.
  20. Go L onto Treloar Cr and proceed up through a reserve.
  21. Cross over Fairbairn Av at the roundabout onto (Creswell St).
  22. Go L on a concrete path with a gully on your R.
  23. Pass an underpass on your L and continue straight ahead on a concrete path.
  24. Take the R fork on a concrete path.
  25. Go R on a dirt track with a gully on your R.
  26. Go R on a concrete path and over an iron railed bridge.
  27. Proceed down steps onto a concrete path running between houses.
  28. Go L onto Edmondson St.
  29. Pass Ryrie St on your R.
  30. Pass Moten St on your R.
  31. At the corner of Edmondson St and Blamey Cr go R on a concrete path and then go R on a concrete path into George Cross Park towards seats and a stone memorial to George Cross winners.
  32. Proceed away from the memorial on a concrete path.
  33. Cross over Moten St.
  34. Pass Blamey Cr on your R.
  35. Go L onto Savige St.
  36. Pass Jacka Cr on your L.
  37. Pass Savige Pl on your R.
  38. Cross over Patey St and proceed alongside (Legacy Park) on your R.
  39. Go R on a gravel path into Legacy Park.
  40. Just past the monument and seat at the top of the park go R down a dirt track and then steps to (Garsia St).
  41. Go R onto (Garsia St).
  42. Pass a playground on your R in (Legacy Park).
  43. Go L onto Patey St.
  44. Go L onto Creswell St.
  45. Pass Getting Cr on your L.
  46. Go R onto Chowne St.
  47. Pass Rankin St on your R.
  48. Go L on a brick path into C5 Park (Hassett Park).
  49. Proceed through an exercise area.
  50. Go L on a concrete path and follow it past a playground on your R.
  51. Pass an exercise station on your L.
  52. Pass a bridge on your R and take the R fork.
  53. Go L on a brick path through trees.
  54. Go R onto (Creswell St).
  55. Go L onto Getting St.
  56. Go R onto Jacka Cr.
  57. Go R into (RSL Park).
  58. Go R on a concrete path through (RSL Park).
  59. Take the L fork on a concrete path.
  60. Go L onto (Blamey Cr).
  61. Go R onto Vasey Cr.
  62. Veer R through a step-through gate onto a dirt track. Note the Australian-American Memorial ahead.
  63. Go L on a concrete path and follow it along through a number of steel barriers.
  64. Cross over a water course on a small bridge and go L down a concrete path between houses. Note Mt Ainslie straight ahead.
  65. Cross over (Vasey Cr) and continue straight ahead on a concrete path.
  66. Go L onto (Elliott Pl).
  67. Go R onto Elliott St and pass a playground on your R.
  68. Pass Bungey St on your L.
  69. Pass (Elliott Pl) on your R.
  70. Go L onto Vasey Cr.
  71. Go R onto Chauvel St.
  72. Go L on a dirt track through the reserve for quite some way with houses on your L.
  73. Cross over a concrete path and continue straight ahead on the dirt track.
  74. Go L onto White Cr.
  75. Go L onto Vasey Cr.
  76. At a bus stop and number 116 cross over to (Campbell Neighbourhood Oval).
  77. Go L and proceed clockwise around the perimeter of the oval.
  78. Pass a basketball court on your L.
  79. Continue behind (Campbell Primary School) and then past a playground on your L.
  80. Pick up a concrete path to follow it past tennis courts on your L.
  81. Pass a toilet block and a playground on your R and proceed back to the Shops.