
Walk Features: This loop walk takes you from Margaret Timpson Park, beside part of Lake Ginnindera, through the streets down to the Owl sculpture, and then along the Old Weetangera Road Trail.

Duration of the walk: About 1 hour and 45 minutes.

Region: Belconnen.

Information about the Suburb: Belconnen was established in 1983 and its name has been associated with the district since the days of the early settlers. Its streets are named after Lord Mayors and Mayors.

Walk Directions

Click here for a pdf version of the walk directions.

To get to the start of the walk proceed west along Belconnen Way, turn R into Benjamin Way and park near the corner of Chandler St. The walk starts within Margaret Timpson Park near the silver Tumbling Cubes sculpture.

Note that streets in brackets means there is no street sign at this point of the walk.

  1. Facing the Tumbling Cubes sculpture proceed down the wide brick path.
  2. Go L to proceed through the Belconnen Community Performance Space.
  3. Go up steps and continue straight ahead.
  4. Pass a brick sphere on your R.
  5. Continue straight ahead down steps on the (Library Walk).
  6. Proceed through the (Chandler St) underpass.
  7. Proceed down steps and cross (Emu Bank) to continue straight ahead.
  8. Go L just past the Winds of Light sculpture.
  9. Note the Running Lights sculpture in Lake Ginnindera on your R.
  10. Continue alongside the lake and then past some wetlands with sandstone blocks on your L.
  11. Proceed behind the Belconnen Arts Centre noting a wire reptile sculpture at the back entrance.
  12. At the end of the building go L up a grassy slope to peer over the stone wall at the Ark in the Dark and Beyond sculpture.
  13. Go L up a cobblestone path to view the Dancers on a Lakefront installation.
  14. Retrace your steps and go L on the cobblestone path beside the lake on your R.
  15. Veer L on a dirt track then go L on the cobblestone path.
  16. Go R on (Beissel St) on a bitumen path.
  17. Cross Evelyn Parker Pl and continue straight ahead.
  18. Pass a bitumen path on your R.
  19. Go R on Joynton Smith Dr.
  20. Go L on a concrete path at the white/blue sign To Florey Shops, to cross over (Joynton Smith Dr).
  21. Go R on the bitumen path that is indicated as being for walkers only.
  22. Proceed through the Totterdell St underpass.
  23. Continue for quite some way then go L up a concrete path.
  24. Go R on (Totterdell St).
  25. Go L on a concrete path to pass a playground on your L.
  26. Take the R fork on a concrete path going uphill.
  27. Go L on (Totterdell St).
  28. Go R on a concrete path.
  29. Go R on (Totterdell St).
  30. Just before an iron railing bridge, go R down steps.
  31. Go L on a bitumen path through the Totterdell St underpass.
  32. Pass a playground on your R.
  33. Continue all the way on the bitumen path up to Luxton St.
  34. Cross Luxton St and then cross Lathlain St to proceed down Lathlain St on your R.
  35. Cross an unnamed road at lights.
  36. Cross over Cohen St, then go L with Cohen St on your L.
  37. Veer R on a concrete path.
  38. Cross (Wales St) and continue straight ahead on a concrete then a bitumen path.
  39. Cross over (Chan St) and continue straight.
  40. Proceed through red bollards and veer L to pass under an overpass.
  41. Cross College St and continue straight ahead down Benjamin Way on your L.
  42. Pass a bus shelter.
  43. Pass Market St on your R.
  44. At Belconnen Way go L to cross over Benjamin Way noting the Owl sculpture on your L.
  45. Go R on a bitumen path to proceed along the Old Weetangera Road Trail with Belconnen Way over to your R.
  46. Continue for quite some way and just before you get to (Eastern Valley Way) go L on a bitumen path.
  47. Cross over (Hennessy St) and continue straight ahead.
  48. Pass a playground on your L.
  49. Pass a playing field on your R.
  50. Pass a playground on your L.
  51. Cross over College St.
  52. Proceed down Eastern Valley Way on your R.
  53. Go L into Cameron Av.
  54. Go R on (Edmonstone Pl).
  55. With Grazier Lane on your R, go L on a concrete path then R down steps.
  56. Go L on (Cohen St) noting the murals on your L.
  57. At the pedestrian lights go R to cross (Cohen St) and continue straight ahead.
  58. Cross over (Swanson St) and continue straight ahead.
  59. Go L at the park to proceed under a pergola on a brick path.
  60. Go R on a brick path and back to the start of the walk.

Information about memorials, sculptures and other features

Margaret Timpson Park: The park, dedicated in 1994, commemorates Margaret Timpson AM (1941 – 1993) for her advocacy for women, and her impressive achievements in improving the status of women, both in the ACT and nationally. Her particular areas of interest included women’s health, women’s participation in sport and education for girls, as well providing more opportunities generally for women to achieve their full potential. A plaque notes that she was the Inaugural A.C.T. Women Of The Year 1990. She was a Member of the Canberra BPW Club & National President of The Australian Federation of Business & Professional Women (BPW Australia) 1987 – 1990. The plaque reads: In recognition of her contribution to the organisation and her efforts to raise the status of women. It was unveiled in the presence of her family and BPW members, 23 November 2002.

Tumbling Cubes, 1979: This Bert Flugelman series of highly-polished stainless steel cubes appear to tumble across Margaret Timpson Park. This is one of three works by this celebrated Australian artist in Canberra: one work is permanently displayed in the Sculpture Garden at The National Gallery of Australia and another conceptual work is buried in the earth at Commonwealth Park.

Winds of Light, 2011: This sculpture, made of steel, brass and aluminium, is the last public artwork of the well known artist, Peter Blizzard. His practice was unique in his use of contrasting materials as an ongoing investigation into the relationship of nature to the human spirit. He believed that we should venerate and respect what we have. This work is the artist’s response to the effect that grandeur, colour, light, texture and form within the natural landscape have on the wellbeing of the human spirit.

Running Lights, 2006: This is a series of brightly-coloured columns that respond to Lake Ginninderra and its environment. They chime and sway, and in the evening they shine across the water. They were made by Thylacine Art Projects.

Ark in the Ark and Beyond, 2009: Two arks have been carved out of a single piece of white granite and the addition of water creates this beautiful floating ark within an ark. The inspiration for the artist, Wataru Hamasaka, originates from the Iwafune Shrine in Osaka – a massive, boat-shaped, traditional Shinto rock shrine.

Dancers on a Lakefront, 2010: This sculpture by Konstantin Dimopoulos

draws inspiration from the native reeds and rushes that stretch along the perimeter of Lake Ginninderra. At night the steel rods appear to glow, drawing the eye to the arts centre and lakeshore promenade.

Owl, 2011: This landmark sculpture by Bruce Armstrong, honours the Powerful Owl, Ninox strenua, which is the largest owl species in Australasia. The owl is classified as an occasional resident to the ACT and has been sighted in the Australian National Botanic Gardens, Canberra Nature Park and Namadgi National Park. The owl has a commanding and enigmatic presence when encountered in the wild. The artist has portrayed the owl as a guardian spirit or totem overlooking its domain. It is made of cast composite, steel, hardwood, and paint.

Old Weetangera Road: This area has been a major road junction since the mid-1800s. Belconnen Way closely follows the line of this road. It was the subject of several court cases over the closing of the roadway by adjacent land owners. including one between Edward Crace and John Southwell in 1883. Future Prime Minister, Edmund Barton was a lawyer in this case.